Ultra receives contract for Acoustic Countermeasures...

06 JUNE 2014

Ultra announces that its Ocean Systems business (UEOS), located in Massachusetts, USA has been awarded a three-year contract totalling over US$19m from the US Navy.  

The contract is for the production of the Naval Acoustic Electromechanical Beacon (“NAE Beacon”) expendable countermeasure and includes a base year and two additional options for 2015 and 2016. The NAE Beacon device is designed to counter torpedo threats, performing pre-selected missions while suspended from a float and tether.  

Ultra is a recognised technical leader in undersea defence and electronics equipment and systems. The Group is a world leader in expendable acoustic countermeasures for submarines and surface ships and has designed, manufactured and delivered more than 10,000 expendable acoustic countermeasures to navies worldwide including the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Spain and Turkey.   

Rakesh Sharma, Chief Executive of Ultra, commented: 
“I am pleased that the excellence of Ultra’s specialist acoustic countermeasure equipment has been recognised by the award of this contract by the United States Navy. It is a reflection of the importance of the “pivot to the Pacific” spoken about by the US Navy.”    


Rakesh Sharma, Chief Executive
Mary Waldner, Group Finance Director
020 8813 4307  

Susan Ellis, Corporate Affairs Adviser
07836 522 722 

James White, MHP Communications
020 3128 8756