Vehicle systems


Ultra provides specialist systems to both to manned and unmanned vehicles, including vehicle electronic architecture and offers information and power management systems for vehicles. Such systems save space and weight and allow simple integration of future technology upgrades. Applications include utilities management of the electrical power sub-system, situational awareness and battery monitoring and management. Ultra’s Local Situational Awareness System (LSAS), greatly improves the operators visibility of the environment immediately surrounding a vehicle.

Vehicle systems capabilities & products

Electronic vehicle architecture
Electronic vehicle architecture Image

Ultra is well placed to provide the key enabling systems for an effective open, distributed and modular electronic vehicle architecture. Such systems save space and weight, allow increased integration and management of multiple sensors, weapons, communication and platform management systems and support the simpler integration of future technology upgrades.

Distributed power node
Distributed power node Image

The power node has been specifically developed by Ultra to provide the core building block for military vehicle distributed and intelligent power management systems.

Utilising Ultra’s latest solid state switching and protection circuitry, each node can supply up to eight discrete consumer circuits, greatly enhancing protection and reliability over legacy distribution panels.

Distributing protection away from large legacy panels of manual breakers regains space in the operator’s immediate environment. By locating the power node close to its consumers, a significant saving can be realised in vehicle harnessing cost and space.

Power management
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Using its experience in solid state switching, MILCAN, thermal protection and design for harsh environments, Ultra offers high reliability solutions founded on process-driven systems, hardware and software engineering. Products include battery monitoring systems, power distribution hubs and power node terminals.

Battery monitoring and management
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Ultra’s battery monitoring system (BMS) has been specifically designed for use on military vehicles. Based on patented technology which incorporates a real-time complex algorithm, the BMS simultaneously measures conductance, voltage, current, temperature and time to provide a highly reliable and accurate measurement of the state of health of a vehicle’s batteries. The system was proven in-theatre for mission-critical, time-remaining applications.

The BMS provides the vehicle crew with accurate real-time battery health data.

Situational awareness
Situational awareness Image

Local situational awareness systems (LSAS), developed by Ultra, greatly improve the operator’s visibility of the environment immediately surrounding a vehicle. This capability significantly enhances crew utilisation of a vehicle’s roles, from deployable bridges and clearance tools through to infantry preparing to disembark. Low light and thermal imaging can also increase the operating envelope of a vehicle. Recognising that there is a wide range of vehicles in a typical fleet, Ultra offers tailored LSAS solutions, based on a foundation of proven components, for a cost-effective solution.

UGV controllers
UGV controllers Image

Ultra’s technologies and options for grip and throttle solutions have proven to be ideal for use in UGV ground control stations.

Leveraging its expertise in both human factors engineering and traditional hand controls, Ultra’s most recent development projects focus on the dismounted soldier. The warfighter today has to be ready to take immediate and appropriate action at the tactical edge and requires the control systems to interface effectively with the brigade, as well as individual mission assets, including UGVs.

Recognising the need for lightweight, soldier-portable controls which concentrate functionality and asset accessibility into the warfighter’s hands, Ultra introduced the first fully ruggedised game-style controller in 2004. By using a hand controller familiar to today’s soldiers, Ultra was able to militarise a control system which reduced training time and has become an ideal controller for the operation of numerous UGVs.

Secure communications
 Secure communications Image

The Group specialises in secure command and control (C2), imagery and tactical data links, airborne secure voice and data communications and system integration. Ultra’s HIDL™ is a family of flexible, networkable, software-definable digital data links, which are optimised to meet highly sensitive, time-critical (low latency) information exchange needs, such as unmanned ground vehicles, weapon systems and mission-critical sensors.

Fire suppression
Fire suppression Image

Ultra’s fire suppression system is specifically designed for military vehicles and is a fully automatic fire/fuel explosion detection and suppression system. The system is fully configurable and provides protection throughout the crew, engine and system compartments. The system is capable of effectively detecting and suppressing all possible types of fires, as well as fuel explosions, which are likely to occur during combat or training service of military vehicles.

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Ultra offerings include vehicle camera systems, wash-wipe systems and high precision stabilised platforms.

Ultra has an extensive capability to supply high performance, rugged military imaging vehicle camera systems in the visual, IR and thermal wavebands. Ultra’s vehicle camera systems have been selected for many major programmes including the British Army’s Terrier vehicle and the battle group thermal imaging system upgrade for Warrior and Scimitar.

Ultra’s vehicle recce pod systems include land specification multi-sensor platforms, suitable for use on mobile and fixed assets in the most demanding long range and extreme environmental conditions.

Human machine interfaces
Human machine interfaces Image

Ultra has developed a range of control handles, control panels, switches and selectors which have been ergonomically designed to reduce the burden on the operator, whilst providing the durability and reliability needed in rugged environments. Ultra provides HMI solutions, leveraging its offering of traditional grips and hand controls, including its industry benchmark gunner’s and commander’s controls.

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Ultra can provide integrated health and usage monitoring systems, either as discrete systems or as a broader control and monitoring system, including aspects such as radiation monitoring.

Radiation monitoring
Radiation monitoring Image

Ultra provides modular radiation monitoring systems which can be configured to suit a wide range of different vehicles and applications. The capabilities include extended measurement range from background to full radiac threat levels, a rapid response to radiological material, a variable alarm threshold and total dose accumulated for mission – all combined into a lightweight and rugged system with a simple user interface. Organisations using Ultra’s radiation monitoring systems currently include: military forces, special forces, police, ambulance services, fire services and border agencies.

Portable fuel cells
Portable fuel cells Image

Ultra designs, tests and manufactures the future of portable power: solid oxide fuel cell technology. Ultra is committed to providing dependable portable fuel cell power, using readily accessible fuel, which can be taken into the wild or into combat. The Group’s solid oxide fuel cell power systems have been proven reliable in field testing for military, leisure and emergency use. Ultra’s flexible fuel cell technology will provide the exact solution required. From powering unmanned systems to providing portable power to soldiers, Ultra is creating new options for how soldiers power mission-critical systems. Ultra’s ROAMIO D245XR and ROAMIO D300 are fuelled by globally available propane. They deliver lightweight, portable power in the most austere, remote and dangerous locations. This enables longer flight times, longer missions, reduced weight burden and delivers better results.