Ultra Electronics supports major SMR industry milestone

16 JANUARY 2017

Ultra Electronics congratulates NuScale Power, it’s Small Modular Reactor (SMR) partner, on achieving a significant milestone in its submission of the first-ever SMR design certification application (DCA) to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). This is the culmination of many years effort involving highly trained and specialised people of which Ultra is proud to be a part.

Ultra Electronics is a strategic partner to NuScale for the design the safety systems and sensor suites and together with a number of other UK businesses will provide the vast majority of content for UK deployment and export to the rest of Europe.

Ultra has world-class expertise and over 50 years’ experience in the design, development and integration of safety critical systems for the nuclear market. Ultra has qualified equipment installed on over 60% of the world’s civil nuclear reactors and 80% of North American plant.

Rakesh Sharma, Chief Executive
Amitabh Sharma, Group Finance Director
020 8813 4307

Susan McErlain, Corporate Affairs Director
07836 522 722

James White, MHP Communications
020 3128 8756