Ultra Electronics Holdings plc announced today that it has been awarded a contract by Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems for the supply of its RiQ Ruggedized Networking Switch (RIQ) for integration into the Patriot air and missile defense system. The contract, which includes the supply of spares, is valued at $9.3 million. The award has been made to Ultra Electronics-DNE Technologies, a part of Ultra-Electronics EMS which is part of the Maritime and Land division.
The Patriot system is part of a multiyear system upgrade consisting of Radar and Communications enhancements with the RiQ in the Communications portion of the upgrade. The RiQ will form the basis for the transition to an IP based system, greatly extending the effective life span of the Patriot system.
Rakesh Sharma, Chief Executive of Ultra commented:
“I am pleased that we have secured this contract to help upgrade the communications of the Patriot System. Raytheon is a strategic customer and I look forward to working closely together on this project as we have on others.”
Rakesh Sharma, Chief Executive
Ami Sharma, Interim Group Finance Director
020 8813 4307
Susan McErlain, Corporate Affairs Director
07836 522 722
James White, MHP Communications
020 3128 8756