Ultra awarded contract on the Airbus A350 XWB...

27 JUNE 2014

Ultra Electronics announces that its Controls business, based in Greenford, Middlesex, has been awarded a contract by Airbus to design, develop, supply and support an electrical Ground Door Opening system (eGDO) for its new A350 family of aircraft. The eGDO system comprises a set of electrical actuators, sensors and fuselage-mounted control and indication panels which allows airline ground maintenance crews to open the landing gear doors to access the landing gear bay. Based on anticipated sales of the aircraft, this contract is expected to be worth in excess of £60m revenue to Ultra over the life of the programme.

Ultra Controls is a world leading supplier of electronic control solutions for the aerospace industry. Other systems provided by the business include landing gear control, steering control, cabin door monitoring, noise and vibration suppression and ice protection. Ultra Controls also supplies additional ground handling accessories for both the Airbus A350 XWB and A380 aircraft.

Rakesh Sharma, Chief Executive of Ultra, commented:“We are delighted to have secured this new contract with Airbus which is in recognition of Ultra’s ability to understand its customer’s needs and provide optimal solutions with regard to weight and functionality. Ultra has been a supplier to Airbus for over 25 years and this award helps to firm our continuing relationship.”

Rakesh Sharma, Chief Executive
Mary Waldner, Group Finance Director
020 8813 4307

Susan Ellis, Corporate Affairs Adviser
07836 522 722

James White, MHP Communications
020 3128 8756