Directorate Change
24 FEBRUARY 2016
As previously announced on 11 November 2015, Mary Waldner had informed the Ultra Board of her intention to leave the Group. She will leave to become the Group CFO at Lloyds Register, a privately-owned global engineering, technical and business services organisation. Mary will leave Ultra on 16 March 2016. A selection process to identify a new Finance Director is underway and the market will be updated in due course. The Board take this opportunity to thank Mary for her significant service to Ultra over the past 3 years.
In the interim period, the function of Group Finance Director will be undertaken by Ami Sharma. Ami will not be appointed to the Board and will report directly to the Chief Executive. Ami Sharma was previously Group Financial Controller at Ultra from 1999 to 2005. He was Group Finance Director at Gibbs and Dandy plc and a Divisional Finance Director at Saint Gobain. He was previously an audit manager with KPMG in London and qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1993.
Ultra Electronics Holdings PLC
Rakesh Sharma, Chief Executive
+44 20 8813 4300
Susan McErlain, Corporate Affairs Director
+44 7836 522 722
MHP Communications
James White
+44 20 3128 8756