Health and safety


Ultra’s commitment to the safety and well-being of the Group’s employees and visitors is a key priority. A healthy, committed workforce, working in a safe environment, is necessary for a successful and sustainable business. Across the Group, the businesses manage a wide range of safety risks. These range from office employees, manufacturing employees and employees providing services at customer sites, including military bases and platforms.

The safety of the products and services provided to users and customers is also of key importance to Ultra. The individual operating businesses ensure that the appropriate legal and ethical levels of safety are met across a product’s life cycle, with particular emphasis on the manufacturing, in-service and disposal phases.

The safety of the products and services provided to users and customers is also of key importance to Ultra. The individual operating businesses ensure that the appropriate legal and ethical levels of safety are met across a product’s life cycle, with particular emphasis on the manufacturing, in-service and disposal phases.

Each operating business is required to submit a separate annual report on health and safety performance which, along with the result of the audits, is reviewed by the Board. Ultra’s continuous safety improvement activities are focused on ensuring that the Group’s facilities, infrastructure, processes, products and services are as safe as reasonably practical for Ultra’s employees, visitors, customers and users.