The BPS radar series are submarine Class A X-Band systems providing a radar navigation capability in addition to performing routine surface detection. Ultra Electronics provides the BPS-17(V)1 Radar Manager Software (BRMS) software component. BRMS is used to set the Radio Frequency (RF) generation, transmission, reception and video signal processing parameters of the BPS-17(V)1 Radar Units and also displays radar video, contacts, alerts, Digital Nautical Charts (DNC) information, and systems warnings to the operator.
The BMRS is intended to support navigation, station keeping, general surface search radar functions, and contact avoidance. The radar software will provide a video indication of position of surface ships, surface craft, buoys, shorelines and navigational marks while supporting contact designation. The system is intended to improve the standard of collision avoidance by automatically providing information to the operators that will enable them to execute collision avoidance with multiple contacts as well as manually plotting a single contact. The system is also intended to provide continuous, accurate and rapid situational awareness and evaluation.