Using a combination of passive and active sonars systems, Ultra’s technology provides platforms with the ability to detect and classify all known torpedoes. On detection of a threat torpedo the system automatically recommends the optimum evasion course, whilst simultaneously using countermeasures to confuse and defeat the weapon.
Ocean Systems has designed, manufactured and delivered more than 10,000 acoustic countermeasures to navies worldwide including the US, the UK, Australia and Canada. Our experience and demonstrated expertise in countermeasure technology, techniques, design and development allows us to partner with the industry-leading companies to develop and demonstrate effective and innovative technologies for the next generation of torpedo countermeasures.
Recently, to better serve the torpedo defense customer, we have demonstrated a completely automated surface ship torpedo layered defense system with passive and active full spectrum towed sensors, intelligent controller, extended sensor data fusion, expendable soft kill and hard kill interoperability, state of the art digital towed countermeasure systems, and tactical decision aides.