Sonar Systems


Ocean Systems has over 60 years’ experience in the design, fabrication and test of acoustic transducers and hydrophones for the USN. We are the recognized experts in the application of single crystal for underwater transducer applications and our acoustic test facilities include the only hydrostatic transducer self-noise test facility in the country, multiple test pools and tanks and a secure calibrated quarry provides us the unique capabilities needed to support our customers.

Our specialized design techniques and high quality fabrication processes developed for broadband Single Crystal transducers and have made Ocean Systems the USN’s preferred source for this capability. Additional offerings include the custom design and innovative use of flextensional, tonpilz, segmented rings, striped rings, bender, and more conventional ceramic rings, plates discs and cylinders. We concentrate in solving the unique challenges of deep ocean, high pressure applications associated with submarine and deep submergence vehicles.

Sonar systems



The TR-317 tonpilz transducer element is the building block for the spherical bow array for the 688-I, Virginia class submarine. The array functions as the high power active and passive sonar and search tool. Ocean Systems is currently in production delivering a planned 5,000 TR-317s to the USN. This new element, redesigned by Ultra Electronics Ocean Systems and its teammate Massa Products, provides the Navy with a substantially lower cost transducer with comparable performance to legacy configurations. Ultra Electronics Ocean Systems and Massa Products are applying proven design approaches and lessons learned from the previously successful TR-353 program to achieve the TR-317D cost and performance objective. The program successfully completed First Article qualification on schedule and is delivering product to the Fleet over a five year period.



The TR-330A/AN SQS-56 Sonar Transducer is used in surface ship applications and features a mid-frequency operating band. The modular construction of the transducer facilitates assembly into multiple element arrays in any desired configuration to achieve the acoustic performance, beam pattern and source level desired. In service, the transducer element operates in the array both as a high power transmitter and broadband receiver. Ocean Systems is re-designing this element and providing it as the next generation TR-330X transducer to the Royal Australian Navy for their AWD destroyer program.



The DT-513 hydrophone is a wide band, omni-directional device (horizontal X-Y plane) with an integrated preamplifier. The DT-513 hydrophone is used on naval surface ships and submarines.

The DT-513 hydrophone is supplied with an eight-foot pigtail cable assembly with a Glass Reinforced Epoxy (GRE) connector. For extended shipboard runs, an FSS-2 extension cable is available in standard lengths of 150 or 250 feet, and supplied with a mating connector.




The TR-232B performs the high-powered, low frequency transducer function for the AN/WQC-2A Underwater Sonar Communication System. This system is currently in-use on more than 600 naval surface ship and submarine platforms worldwide. The TR-232B transducer is a piezoelectric design and features a horizontal (radial), omni-directional beam pattern.



The TR-233 transducer performs the high frequency function for the AN/WQC-2A Underwater Sonar Communication System. Ocean Systems is the sole supplier of the TR-232B and TR-233 transducers to the U.S. Navy and several international navies.



Ultra fabricates, assembles, inspections, tests and delivers the TR-343 sonar transducer for new construction of Arleigh Burke class destroyers. The TR-343 Transducer is part of the AN/SQS-53C Hull Mounted Sonar Array which is a component of the AN/SQQ-89(V) ASW System. The AN/SQQ-89(V) is a fully integrated Surface Ship Undersea Warfare (USW) combat system with the capability to search, detect, classify, localize, and attack submarine targets. The TR-343 Transducers are critical components to the AN/SQS-53C necessary to produce mechanical motion in the water for generation of sonar signals when a large voltage is applied.



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Specialty Sonar


Ultra has been engaged in the development of the transmit and receive array systems for Knifefish, also known as the Surface Mine Countermeasure (SMCM). Unlike conventional mine detection and classification systems which operate at very high frequencies to create an image of the target, the Knifefish sonar operates at low frequencies intended to excite the natural resonances of the mine. In addition to Knifefish, Ultra has also provided transducers for another unmanned vehicle, the Anti-Submarine Warfare Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel (ACTUV). While ACTUV is focused on the robust tracking of quiet diesel electric submarines, the core technologies developed on this DARPA program are applicable to a wide range of missions and configurations for future unmanned naval vessels.

HFSA (High Frequency Sail Array)


The High Frequency Sail Array is an under-ice navigation and obstacle avoidance sonar installed on all U.S. Los Angeles (688I), and VA class submarines. The system is comprised of Projector modules and Receive modules mounted high on the forward portion of the submarine sail. The large vertical aperture of the HFSA receive array yields narrow elevation beam-widths, reducing multi-path reverberation making it well suited for anti-submarine warfare, detecting mines, conducting seafloor and canopy profiling in addition to its under-ice and shallow water navigation and mapping capabilities.

Ocean Systems originally designed the hydrophone stave for HFSA and continues to produce the wet-end projector and hydrophone modules making-up the HFSA system. Recent upgrades and design improvements developed and implemented by Ocean Systems has significantly increased overall system reliability and operational effectiveness.

HFCA (High Frequency Chin Array)


The High Frequency Chin Array is the bow array installed on all Virginia class submarines. The array provides an unprecedented increase in performance due to its large horizontal aperture’s ability to generate very narrow beams for significant echo rejection and improved shallow water performance. The chin array is ideal for active mine, anti-submarine warfare detection, and its passive capabilities have opened up new operational possibilities. The location of the chin array, directly under the bow has an unobstructed acoustic view in front of and below the submarine and provides never before high resolution sonar capability with the submarine at or near the ocean surface.

DLS Diver Held Sonar Systems


Ocean Systems produces a family of small hand held sonar systems for military, commercial and public safety applications. The devices all use high frequency sonar to search and locate submerged objects. For military applications, the devices are specially designed to be used in the ocean environment where magnetic sensitive ordnance is a concern. For commercial and safety applications, Ultra offers affordable devices to state and local fire, police and first responder organizations for use in coastal waters, lakes and rivers.



Ocean Systems uses cutting edge acoustic technology to protect fish. Our products deter Clupeids, including American shad, alewife and blue-back herring, and represent fish most commonly entrained or impinged at power generating facilities in the U.S. They also represent a cross section of target species for many fish restoration/preservation efforts by state and federal environmental authorities.

EcoFish™ bridges the gap between economies of hydro installations and fish management programs. EcoFish™ is a behavioral barrier based on state of-the-art hydro acoustic technology used by the U.S. Navy, and perfected by Ocean Systems and the New York Power Authority. Hydroelectric facilities along the Mohawk River have used EcoFish™ to successfully preserve the abundant herring population for over a decade. The guiding sound to safety Nuclear generating facilities on the shores of Lake Ontario and Lake Michigan also rely on EcoFish™ to prevent huge schools of alewife from entering their cooling systems.

EcoFish™ is safe, simple and sound; the perfect solution for effectively preserving local fish populations and your company’s profits. EcoFish™ is rated Best Technology Available for Clupeid passage by the New York Department of Environmental Conservation.

Acoustic Telemetry Solutions


Low power data acquisition and processing technologies combined with state of the art telemetry system architectures are the basis of reliable and simple data acquisition systems. Ultra’s hardware engineers bring years of defense and commercial telecommunications experience to design innovative circuit boards and telemetry technical solutions. Ultra has successfully developed robust telemetry architectures and electronic modules for a number of Navy towed sonar applications, including submarine and surface ship towed sonar arrays. Ultra’s acoustic telemetry solutions are designed for; submarine and surface ship towed arrays; tethered side scan sonar systems; and deep ocean bottom arrays.