Ocean Systems uses cutting edge acoustic technology to protect fish. Our products deter Clupeids, including American shad, alewife and blue-back herring, and represent fish most commonly entrained or impinged at power generating facilities in the U.S. They also represent a cross section of target species for many fish restoration/preservation efforts by state and federal environmental authorities.
EcoFish™ bridges the gap between economies of hydro installations and fish management programs. EcoFish™ is a behavioral barrier based on state of-the-art hydro acoustic technology used by the U.S. Navy, and perfected by Ocean Systems and the New York Power Authority. Hydroelectric facilities along the Mohawk River have used EcoFish™ to successfully preserve the abundant herring population for over a decade. The guiding sound to safety Nuclear generating facilities on the shores of Lake Ontario and Lake Michigan also rely on EcoFish™ to prevent huge schools of alewife from entering their cooling systems.
EcoFish™ is safe, simple and sound; the perfect solution for effectively preserving local fish populations and your company’s profits. EcoFish™ is rated Best Technology Available for Clupeid passage by the New York Department of Environmental Conservation.